Command Line Control |
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The ChipProg programmers can be driven in the Command Line mode. A command line begins with the registered application name UPROGNT2.EXE followed with a number of options that specify certain ChipProg functions and settings. Sometimes these options may be also called keys. The command line may also optionally include a name of the project file that controls the programmer operations. Here is the command line format: UProgNT2.exe [option 1] [option 2]...[Name of the project file] [option 3] [option 4]… , where the command line elements in square brackets (options and project name) are optional and may follow in any order separated by spaces. The square brackets characters are not parts of the option or project name. Each option begins with one of two characters: either ‘/’ (slash) or ‘-‘ (hyphen) followed by the reserved names listed in the Command line options table. The ‘/’ (slash) and ‘-‘ (hyphen) characters in command line options are absolutely equivalent. For example: ‘/L’, is the same as ‘-L’.
Characters in the command line options, project names and the application executable name are case-insensitive, so there is no difference between the ‘/A’ and ‘/a’ options. If the file name includes spaces the file name should be quoted. For example: -L”Data file 5.hex”.
Some options in the Command line options table require additional parameters; these are shown in this table in angle brackets (< >). These parameters specify file names, devices, text strings, serial numbers, etc. that should follow options without a space. For example: "/LData file 5.HEX" (load the Data file 5.HEX to the buffer right after launching the programmer) or ”/FH” (the file format is hexadecimal).
Upon executing a command line the ChipProgUSB checks whether a project loaded before the program has been closed at the previous programming session. If it has, the program automatically reloads this old project unless a new project name is specified in the command line.
There is no difference between loading a project by executing a command line, or loading it manually by means of the ChipProgUSB user interface menus.
Here are a few command lines examples: 1) UProgNT2.exe -C"Atmel^AT89C51ED2 [ISP BL Mode]" -L"C:\Work\Output Files\Bin\Serial.bin" -FB0x2000 -A -I2
Right after launching the ChipProgUSB application: