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The Colors tab of the Environment dialog opens a sub dialog for setting colors of such window elements as window background, font, etc.. By default, most colors are inherited from MS Windows; however you can set other colors if you prefer them.

Element of dialog


Color Scheme

Specifies the color scheme name. Your can type in a name or choose a recently used one from the list.

The Save button saves the current scheme to the disc; later you can restore color settings by just a mouse click. The Remove button removes the current scheme.


Lists the names of color groups. Each group consists of several elements.

Inherit Windows Color

When this box is checked, the selected color is taken from MS Windows. If later you change the MS Windows colors through the Windows Control Panel, this color will change accordingly. This option is available only for the background and text colors.

Use Inverted Text/Background Color

When this box is checked, the program inverts the selected window colors (for text and background). For example, if the Watches window background color is white and the text color is black, then the line with the selected variable will be highlighted with black background and white text.


Opens the Color dialog if the Inherit Windows Color and Use Inverted Text/Background Color boxes are unchecked for this type of window.

The Color dialog also opens if you double-click a color in the Colors list.


Sets the selected color for all  windows. This option is useful for text and background colors. For example, if you choose blue background and yellow text for the Source window and then click the Spread button, these colors will be set as the text and background colors for all windows.


For syntax highlighting in the Source window, you can specify additional font attributes - Bold and Italic.

In some cases when synthesizing bold fonts, MS Windows increases the size of characters and the font becomes unusable, because the bold and regular characters should be of the same size. In these cases, the Bold attribute is ignored.

Sometimes this effect occurs with the Fixedsys font. If you need to use Bold fonts, choose the Courier New font.