Function MessageBoxEx



int MessageBoxEx(int flags, char title[], char format[], ... );


This function displays data in accordance with the format line in the form of a dialog message. The dialog has title, buttons and icon, which are specified by flags and title.

The flags parameter may contain one or several flags that determine the dialog buttons and icon. For these flags, file system.h defines constants with the MB_ prefix.

The title parameter is the text in the dialog title bar.

The format parameter is the format string, it may be followed by data (see printf).

Note. Your arguments passed to this function shall match the format line. In case of mismatch, the <%CM%> program may crash, because it cannot check the correspondence between the format string and parameters passed.

Returned value

The function returns one of constants with the ID prefix determined in system.h, which corresponds the dialog button pressed.


if (MessageBoxEx(MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION, "Confirm exit", "Do you want to exit?") == IDYES)


Also, see:

Formatted Input-Output Functions

Alphabetical List of Script Language Built-in Functions and Variables