Priorities are the same for each group of operations listed in the table below. The higher the priority of operation, the higher is its place in the table.
If there are no brackets and the operations are related to the same group, then the order of execution determines the operation and operand grouping (from left to right or from right to left).
The expression of a * b / c is equivalent to the expression of (a * b) / c,
as the operations are executed from left to right.
The expression of a = b = c is equivalent to the expression of a = (b = c),
as the operation is executed from right to left.
[] Array element selection
! Logical negation From right to left (RL)
~ Bit-by-bit negation
- Sign change
++ Increasing by one
-- Decreasing by one
(type) Type conversion
sizeof Determining of size in bytes
* Multiplication LR
/ Division
% Modulus division
+ Addition LR
- Subtraction
<< Left shift LR
Right shift
< Less than LR
<= Less than or equal to
> Larger than
>= Larger than or equal to
== Equal to LR
!= Not equal to
& Bit-by-bit AND operation LR
^ Bit-by-bit exclusive OR operation LR
| Bit-by-bit OR operation LR
&& Logical AND operation LR
|| Logical OR operation LR
*= /= %= += -=
<<= >>= &= ^= |=