The Watches Window

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While the AutoWatches pane of the Script window displays values of the script variables visible in the current window scope you may want to monitor changing other explicitly specified script variables and expressions. To do so the ChipProgUSB allows opening the Watches windows. For each variable, the window displays its name, value, type and address, if any.

A newly opened Watches window has one Main tab. You can add custom tabs (with the Display Options command of the local menu) or rename any existing tabs. The tabs operate independently of each other; each tab is functionally equivalent to a separate Watches window. However, if needed, you can open several Watches windows.

Each of the above windows has the +Watch button on its toolbar. Clicking this button opens a dialog for adding a selected object to the Watches window.

Grids in the Watches window

For better readability the Watches window can be divided in cells by vertical and horizontal grid lines. Enable the grids to be visible within the Watches window by checking the corresponding boxes in the Configure menu > Environment > Fonts tab.


Local menu

The window local menu contains the following commands, most of which are duplicated by corresponding buttons on the window toolbar.



Add Watch

Adds one or more objects to the window. Opens the Add Watch dialog to choose an object by name. Also, you can enter an expression as a name.

Delete Watch

Deletes a selected object from the Watches window.

Delete All Watches

Deletes all watches from the window.


Opens the Modify dialog to set a new value for a selected variable. Alternatively, just enter the new value.

Move Watch Up

Moves a selected watch up the list.

Move Watch Down

Moves a selected watch down the list.

Display Options

Opens the Display Options dialog to change the display settings for a selected object and also to add/delete tabs to/from the window.