The Select Device Dialog

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The dialog allows specification of the device to work with; it has a few groups of settings.

Element of dialog



Devices to list:

In this field you can check the box or boxes to specify the target device type. All the devices are divided in three functional groups: a) EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH; b) PLD, PAL, EPLD; c) Microcontrollers - check one, two or all three boxes. Two check boxes below specify a method of programming - in the programmer socket or in the target system - some devices can be programmed in either way, some only in one certain way.
It is recommended to narrow down the searchable database and speed up the search by specifying the device properties if possible.


The box lists the device manufacturers in alphabetic order.

Search mask:

Here you can enter a mask to speed up the device search. The character '*' masks any number of any characters in the device part number. For example, the mask 'PIC18*64' will bring up all the PIC18 devices ending with the '64'.


The file displays all the devices for a chosen manufacturer that match to the search criteria specified in the Devices to list, Search mask and Packages/Adapters fields.


This field lists all types of the chosen device's mechanical packages that can are supported by the the ChipProg and appropriate adapters.