Condensed Mode

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In the Condensed mode, only lines that satisfy a specified criterion are displayed in the window. There are two available criteria:

the line must contain a given sub-string;

the first non-space character in a line must be at a specified position (column).

Examples: (a) with the sub-string criterion and the sub-string set to "counter," only the lines containing the word "counter" will be displayed; (b) with the second criterion and the position set to four, only the lines in which text begins at column 4 will be displayed.

The Condensed mode brings the lines having some common feature to "one place." If you attentively follow a rule to begin the declaration of data at position 2, procedures at position 3, and interrupt handlers at position 4, then the Condensed mode will help you to find a necessary declaration. If you comment certain lines with the same or similar comments and use the Condensed mode with sub-string, you will be able to benefit from your composing style. In the Condensed mode, you can move the cursor just as in the normal mode.

How to control

The criterion for display is set in the Main menu > Script > Text Edit > Condensed Mode Setup dialog. To toggle the Condensed mode on/off, use the Edit menu command, the Condensed Mode command of  the local menu or the F12 hotkey. To exit the Condensed mode, press Esc. When you exit, the cursor returns to the position at which it was before the mode was turned on. To exit the mode and remain in the line from which you moved the cursor while in the mode, press Enter or begin editing the line.