Syntax Highlighting

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When the Source window displays the source text, it marks different C language constructions with different colors. This feature improves readability. The following constructions are highlighted separately:

Punctuation and special characters: ( ) [ ] { } . , : ; and so on.

Comments that begin with // are highlighted. Comments enclosed in the /* */ character pairs are highlighted, if the opening and closing pairs are placed in the same line.

Strings enclosed in double or single quotation marks.

Keywords of the C language (for, while, and so on).

Type names of the C language (char, float, and so on).

Library function names of the C language (printf, strcpy, and so on).

How to control

You can disable syntax highlighting through the Main menu > Configure>Editor Options> General  tab>Syntax Highlighting flag In addition, you can change the color for each construction. To do the latter, use any of the following items: Main menu > Configure> Environment > Colors  tab.