Device Serialization

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The Serial Number dialog tab specifies a procedure of assigning a unique number to each single device belonging to a series of devices being programmed. By default serial numbers starts from 0, increments by 1 and are displayed as a byte.

Element of dialog



Write S/N to address:

If this box is checked the programmer will write a serial number into a  specified address of a specified memory layer of a target device in accordance to the parameters below.

Current serial number:

Specify the current (start) serial number in this box. By default it is 0.

S/N size, in byte:

Specify a size of the serial number in bytes; for example: 1, 2, 4, etc. By default one byte is set here.

Byte Order

These two toggled radio buttons define an order of bytes that represent the serial number (if it occupies more than one byte) - either the least significant byte (LSB) follows the most significant byte (MSB) or vise versa.

Display S/N as:

These radio buttons set the serial number display format  - decimal or hexadecimal.

Increment serial number by:

By checking this radio button you set incrementing the serial number by the fixed value specified here; for example: 1, 2, 10, etc.

Use script to increment serial number:

By checking this radio button you specify the increment value as a result of executing a chosen script file.