Terms and Definitions

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    Terms used in the document

Target device or Target

The device to be programmed by a programmer either in the programmer socket or by an additional adapter or by a cable for in-system programming.

Start and End Addresses (of the Target device)

A range of the device physical memory for the programming operations (Read, Write, Verify, etc.).

Device package or Package

Mechanical characteristics of the target device; ChipProg programmers enable operations on the devices packed in the DIP (DIL) packages with no additional adapters as well as on most non-DIP packed devices, including but not limited to the devices in the PLCC, SOIC, SSOP, TSOP, SSOP, QFP, BGA, QNF and other packages.

Programming socket or Programming ZIF socket or ZIF socket

A socket installed on a programmer unit or on an adapter (see below) to accommodate the target device for programming. All ChipProg models use ZIF (or Zero Insertion Force)  programming sockets that allow for the temporary installation of the target device in the programmer site and easily removing it after completing the programming procedure.%CPN%>-40, ChipProg-48 and ChipProg-G41 are equipped with 40- and 48-pin ZIF sockets allowing operation on any DIP-packed devices with different numbers of leads and different widths and also connecting additional adapters for programming devices in other packages.

Adapter or Package adapter

A small transition board with dual-in-line rows of pins pluggable into the programmer ZIF socket on the bottom side and with a package-specific ZIF socket (TSOP, PLCC, etc.) on the top. The adapters for in-system programming by means of the parallel programmers are implemented as ribbon cables that connect to the target board via a special header. The adapter boards can carry passive components (ZIF sockets, pins and cables) and active components (drivers, latches, transistors, etc.). Hundreds of Phyton brand adapters as well as third party adapters are available to support devices in most types of mechanical packages.


In the ChipProg context the term file may represent: a) an image of information on a PC hard drive or other media that is supposed to be written into the target device’s physical memory or b) an image read out from the target device and then stored on the disk or other media. Files in a ChipProg can be loaded from and saved on a PC hard drive or CD.

Buffer or Memory buffer

A memory segment, physically assigned from the computer operational memory (RAM), for temporarily storing, editing and displaying the data to be physically written to the target device’s memory or read out from the device. The program allows opening an unlimited number of buffers of any size while it is not restricted by the computer memory.

Buffer layer or sub-layer

A buffer may have a few layers (in some topics also known as sub-layers) that are defined by a particular architecture and memory model of the target device. For example, for some microcontrollers one buffer can include the code and data memory layers (see more details below).

Buffer size

The buffers may have different sizes from 128KB to 32GB each.

Buffer start address

The address to display the buffer contents from.


An arithmetic sum of the data located within a specified part of the buffer calculated by the programmer to control the data integrity. The program enables different algorithms for the checksum calculation and enables writing the checksum into a specified location of the target device.

Parallel or In-socket programming

Operations on a device being placed into the programmer’s ZIF socket or into a programming adapter (opposite to the in-system programming below).

ICP or in-circuit programming

Programming devices mounted on the boards (in the user’s equipment) via special adapter-cable connecting the programmer to the target.

ISP or in-system programming

Same as above. Programming devices mounted on the boards (in the user’s equipment) via special adapter-cable connecting the programmer with the target.

ISP Mode

Mode of the in-system programming that is usually defined by the programming signals voltage or the ISP interface (JTAG, UART, SPI, etc.). Distinct ISP modes are enabled for different target devices and more than one mode may exist for one device.


In-system programming via a JTAG interface.


In-system programming that requires applying a relatively high voltage to the target device, (12V for example).

Command Line mode

A method of the ChipProg control by means of interacting with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines).


An integrated set of information that completely describes the target device, properties of the data buffers, programming options and settings, list of the source and destination files with all their properties, etc.. Each project, that has its own unique name, can be stored and promptly reloaded for immediate execution. Usually a user creates a project to work with one type of device. Working with projects saves a lot of time for the initial configuration of the programmer every time you start working with a new device.


  File - Buffer - Target structure
Buffers are intermediate layers between the data in files and the data in the target device. The ChipProg enables no direct interaction between the files and target devices. All the file operations, such as loading and saving files are applicable to the buffers only. All the physical manipulations with the target device memory content pass through the buffers as well. This is a fundamental principle of the programmer operations with data and devices.


Examples of the buffer's layer structures of different devices:

1.In the Intel 87C51FA microcontroller each opened buffer includes two layers: Code and Encryption table.
2.In the Microchip PIC16F84 microcontroller each opened buffer includes three layers: Code, Data EEPROM and Identifier locations.

Each buffer layer can be opened for watching or editing by clicking its tab on the top of the buffer window.