The Console Window

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The Console window displays messages generated by the ChipProgUSB program that can be divided into two groups: the ChipProg error messages and what-to-do prompts. The window stores messages even if it is closed. You can open it at any time to view the last 256 messages, and get help for any of them. The error messages are shown in red color, others in black.


The window should be large enough to watch several messages. To save screen space you can close the Console redirecting all messages to the popping-up message boxes. To do this, go to the Configure menu > Environment > Misc tab and select the Always Display Message Box option. Alternatively you can select the Do not open box if Console window opened option, redirecting all the messages to the Console window.

Click the Help button in the box or  to invoke the ChipProg context-sensitive Help topic associated with the error, or click the Close button and continue after correcting a parameter error.



Local  menu and Toolbar

The local menu, which can be opened by the right mouse click, includes the Console window context commands and dialog calls. Most, but not all, of the local menu lines are duplicated by the local toolbar buttons displayed at the top of the window. Here are the local menu and toolbar items:


Menu Command or Call


Toolbar button



Clear Window


Deletes all the messages from the window

Help on message


Opens the context-sensitive Help topic associated with the error or information in the highligted message

Help on window

No button

Opens the Console window Help topic

Help on word under cursor

No button

Opens the context-sensitive Help topic associated with the word appointed by the cursor