Phyton Project-96 Revision History


Fixed [MCC-96 C Compiler]: An error when dividing a negative long integer by integer or char.


Fixed [PICE-196]: Setting a memory access breakpoint with number of bytes divisible by 8 caused a hardware error.


Fixed: Problems with entering an activation code.


Fixed: Certain projects caused an exception if built more than once.


Fixed [PICE-196]: Error when opening the "Memory Map" dialog.


Fixed [MCC-96 C Compiler]: Error handling #pragma startup directive.


Changed: Key mappings for Step, Step Over, Low Level Step, Low Level Step Over, Make, Compile, Next Search and other commands

Added [PDS-96]: The Code Coverage feature


Minor changes in software protection mechanism


Changed: Application protection method. Hardware key (dongle) is not used anymore to protect PDS-96 simulator and MCC-96 C Compiler.


Fixed: Generation of command-line options for Tasking linker


Changed: IDE main window toolbar icons

Changed: Under Windows XP, dialogs are displayed using Windows XP visual styles

Fixed [PDS-96]: Handling of Memory Access Breakpoints


Fixed [MCLINK Linker]: Increased the number of program scopes that linker can handle


Fixed [MCC-96 C Compiler]: Restored support for EC model missing in 3.05.00


Fixed [MCC-96 C Compiler]:

- when the -d command line option was not specified, the compiler generated incomplete debugging information in the object file for function listed in '#pragma debug +' directives

- internal error occured either if 'goto' label was not specified, or if a C keyword was used as a label, e.g.

goto static;
- inline assembler: syntax error occured if a single-line #pragma asm was immediately preceding the multi-line #pragma asm/#pragma endasm block

- internal error occured when the second and third operands of the conditional operator had different types (e.g. char* and const char[])

Fixed [MCLINK Linker]:

- wrong processing of the type table: in some specific situation a user-defined type might be considered as unused and corresponding mce-record was not included in MCE-file

Added: Examples for 8xC196NT, 8xC196CB microcontrollers


Fixed [PDS-96]: Simulation of XCHB instruction with indexed addressing


Fixed [PICE-196]: Sometimes an error occured during file downloading into data memory. It happened under some conditions only and seemed to be a sporadic error.


Updated: MCC-96 C Compiler and MCA-96 Assembler documentation


Added [MCC-96 C Compiler C Compiler, IDE]: Support for 88C0196EC chip.

Fixed [MCC-96 C Compiler C Compiler]:

Redeclaration of an extern variable turned it into 'static', i.e. memory location for the variable was allocated;

Internal error occurred when a conditional expression was the right operand of compound assignment, and the left operand had type 'char', e.g. 'a += ( n ? 1 : 2 );'

Wrong definition of 'offsetof' macro in <stddef.h>.


Fixed [MCC-96 C Compiler]: Sometimes names of stack variables were erroneously put in the listing and assembly output instead of register addresses.


Fixed [PICE-196]: The "MCU is not supported" message when loading projects from previous versions was displayed erroneously


Fixed [MCA-96 Assembler]: Names declared with '=' and .SET directives can be redefined only with these directives

Added: The "Return to last editing context" main menu command

Added: Project Repository feature

Fixed [PDS-96]: Setting conditional breakpoints could crash the debugger


Fixed: A few minor issues


Updated: A few minor issues


Updated: A few minor issues Fixed: Installation problems under Windows NT


Improved: Scanning of large project dependency information is now faster

Added: Project window now has the 'Abstract' folder. Any files can be added to this folder and edited with internal editor or 'executed'

Changed: The 'User' menu item has been renamed to 'Scripts'


Fixed: A few minor problems


Fixed [MCC-96]: The words of two-word register variables were saved before function call in the invalid order.


Fixed [PICE-196]: Displaying of source lines in the Tracer window when the corresponding Source window is in the 'Mixed with Disassembler' mode

Improved: Algorithm of High-Level Step Over for assembly programs and C function implicit return statements Improved: Syntax highlighting - more elements, more colors

Improved: Memory Dump and Memory Layout windows now have tabs for each address space

Fixed: Local bookmarks for editor windows are restored on start-up and project load

Improved: Compiling projects with a large number of source and include-files is now faster

Improved: The Watches, AutoWatches, Memory Layout windows now have vertical grid with sizeable fields. Vertical grid can be turned off via "Configure" -> "Display Options" or, locally, through the window local menu -> "Properties".

Improved: The Watches window is organized as a set of tabs (pages). Each page contains its own number of watches.

Improved: The 'Single Source window' option in "Configure" -> "Debug Options" creates a multi-tab Source window.

Improved: The Messages window now have the 'Output' pane that displays 'raw' compiler and linker console output.


Improved: Project options, Make options and cross-tools options are re-arranged and integrated into one tree-like dialog

Fixed: Problems with compiling projects under Windows XP


Fixed: Problems with scanning file dependencies in the Project window

Fixed: Searching for MCA-96 assembler directory from the 'Directories' dialog

Fixed: "Built-in" SFRs and Debug Registers


Fixed [PICE-196/X, POD-NT, POD-CB]: WRL/WRH mode together with 16-bit mode settings in the Chip Configuration Bytes dialog caused a hardware error of the PICE-196/X when 19..20 address lines and A work page other then 0..3 were selected in the Hardware Configuration dialog. The error made no sense to PICE-196 (with 64K memory support).

Fixed restoring of Hardware Configuration and CCB options

Fixed SendMessage() and WaitMessage() script functions


Added "PICE-196 (Diagnostic Mode)" icon to the Project-96 folder


Fixed [PICE-196]: Bug in the Master monitor program which sometimes caused an accidental crash of the emulator hardware in configuration with 256 Kbyte memory (PICE-196/X). This bug makes no sense to the emulators with 64K memory support (PICE-196).

Important! All PICE-196/X emulators should be upgraded. Contact your distributor.

Fixed [PICE-196]: High-level Step Over

Improved [PICE-196]: Reliability of RS232 connection

Fixed: Opening of Peripheral device windows

Added: Double click action in Source/Editor window is customizeable

Improved: Mouse wheel scrolls windows by one line, Shift+wheel scrolls by one page


Improved: The examples browser

Improved [Documentation]: On-line help


Added: The Code Browser Window


Fixed [PICE-196]: The emulator hardware did not support 16-bit access to the external memory outside the working page. Works properly now.

Fixed [PDS-96]: Simulation of DIVUB instruction


Fixed: Handling warning messages of Intel rl96 linker in projects.


Fixed [PICE-196]: Breakpoint Processor 'Edit Triggers' dialog bit selection buttons work correctly.

Fixed [PICE-196]: Emulator does not die when attempting to establish connection through invalid COM port.


Added: Help System Control feature.


Improved [PICE-196]: Interrupts occured after stopping the emulation do not affect INT_PEND, INT_PEND1 registers now. It allows the user to execute his program with enabled interrupts without being caught by interrupt subroutines after every break point.

Fixed: In the "Add watch" dialog, choosing variable from the list sometimes caused an internal error. Works properly now.

Fixed: For autowatch pane in editor windows, variables that were *** Inaccessible *** during emulation and did not become accessible after stop, are now shown properly.

Fixed: The "Follow" dialog of the memory dump window performs correct following now.

Fixed: Toolbar location for Source/Editor right pane is now synchronized with left pane.

Improved: In editor windows, after pasting block cursor is now placed at the end of pasted text.


Fixed: It was impossible to save a file from the editor window created with "File" -> "New" command.


Fixed: An error in PDS-96 and PICE-196 shell when Mixed with Disassembler mode for Source window could cause debugger crash if C program used a do-while construct.