The script source files for commands will reside only in the KEYCMD subdirectory of the ChipProgUSB system folder. Enter the file name only, without the path or extension.
1. You should not specify the combinations reserved by Windows (like Alt+– or Alt+Tab).
2. We do not recommend assigning the combinations already employed by commands in the Source window or ChipProgUSB, because then you’ll have fewer ways to access these commands. Some examples are Alt+F, Shift+F1, Ctrl+F7, which are commands that open the application menus. Others are the local menu hot keys of the editor window.
3. You can use more than one control key in the keystroke combinations. For example, you can use Ctrl+Shift+F or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F as well as the Ctrl+F combination.
4. For some built-in commands, the hot keys cannot be reassigned (for example, the keys for moving the cursor).