Device programming details

Device: CH32F103C8T6 [ISP SWD Mode]

  • Manufacturer(s): GigaDevice
  • Device type: Microcontroller / Cortex

GigaDevice CH32F103C8T6 [ISP SWD Mode] is programmed "in-system", i.e. being installed on a board. The matrix below lists Phyton device programmers that support the CH32F103C8T6 [ISP SWD Mode] device in-system programming and appropriate cable-Adapters or device library licenses.

CH32F103C8T6 [ISP SWD Mode] is programmed by
Connection or Adapter Device programmers Required license
Connection diagramsCPI2-B1, CPI2-GxCovered by free basic license
Connection diagramsCPI2-B1-x (preloaded)Covered by free basic license
AE-ISP-U3ChipProg-481, ChipProg-48 -

Recommended CPI2-B1&CPI2-Gx connection (Connection for the ARM/Cortex microcontrollers via SWD)
Connection for the ARM/Cortex microcontrollers via SWD

Powering the target device:
There are two alternative options for powering the targets:
1. The target gets power from the programmer (Vdd). This is possible only if the target does not consume too much energy. A capacity of the target power circuitry should not exceed 50 uF.
2. The target gets power from a built-in or external power supply. In this case the power output from the programmer should not be connected with the target. The target system should be tolerant to applying logical signals with the voltage levels exceeding the voltages on the target.
NOTE! It is strictly prohibited to power the target from both the programmer and built-in or external power supply simultaneously.

Isolating resistors:
Purpose of the resistors is to isolate the programmed chip from rest of target system. Recommended value of resistors is 2k or more. You can also use jumpers instead of the resistors.

ISP characteristics:
1. Programmer''s output capability:
1.1 Vcc - 80 mA with powering from USB and 350mA from external device programmer power supply;
1.2 Vpp - 50 mA;
1.3 logical pins - 5 mA.
2. The cable length should be less then one foot.
/Start is the input signal, active state is 0. This signal works as the Start button on the programmer.
/Error, /Good, /Busy are output logical signals, active state is 0. They indicate the programmer status and work as the corresponding LEDs on the programmer case.

Adapter Connection Table:

All power supply pins included AVdd must be powered. All ground pins included AVss must be connected together.

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