Important information for the NXP/Philips P89C66x, 87C552/554 and Dallas Semiconductor DS80C320/520/530 users: PICE-52 emulator does not support these devices but we continue selling the PICE-51 model that does. Call us for pricing!
The image above displays an assembled emulator. This is a "sandwich-style" palm-size header comprised of three stackable boards: Main_Board, POD, and Adapter (from top to bottom).
- Software
- Trace Cable
- Control from Keil uVision
Features Summary
- Real-time non-intrusive emulation of virtually all 8051 microcontrollers;
- Real-time emulation up to 80 MHz in 12-, 6-, 4- and 2-clock modes;
- 2.0 to 5.0V 8051 derivatives are supported;
- Tiny emulator header that plugs directly into a target socket - 95x70x40 mm;
- Connects to a PC USB or serial port;
- Up to 2M bytes program memory & 512K data memory (64K + 64K by default);
- Memory banking - up to 32 banks by 64K;
- Memory mapping between the ICE and target with 256 bytes resolution;
- Up to 1M true hardware breakpoints at Program memoryand memory access breakpoints;
- Up to 1M true hardware breakpoints at Xdata memory access for Read, Write and both Read & Write;
- Breakpoints on access to on-chip data memories: SFRs, direct data memory, on-chip Xdata, and EEPROM;
- 4 complex breakpoints / triggers;
- Up to 64K frame deep by 128 bit wide trace buffer (16K x 128K by default);
- Trace cable with 8 micro hooks for entering signals to be traced and two hooks for outputting triggers
- Precisely programmable clock generator;
- 48-bit on-board timer;
- Shadow RAM provides target device RAM real-time access without disturbing emulation;
- "On-the-fly" access to the memory, breakpoints, tracer, and timer;
- Memory coverage feature enables to locate "dead" code;
- Precisely controlled voltage regulator supplies the emulation MCU on the ICE pod in the 2.0 to 5.5V range;
- 8 probe inputs and 4 trigger outputs;
- Integrated development environment includes an editor, project manager, macro assembler and software simulator;
- Project-level support for the Phyton MCA-51 assembler and popular C compilers from Keil, IAR and Raisonance;
- Can be driven from Keil uVision, IAR Embedded Workbench and Raisonance RIDE IDEs;
- Source-level debugging for all popular C compilers and assemblers: Keil, IAR, Raisonance, Altium and others;
- Donwnload full versions of the PICE-52 software with a full IDE. You can evaluate the tools without the PICE-52 hardware.
Main Board
It provides major emulator functions including:
- Communication to a host PC;
- Non-intrusive control of the emulating module (pod);
- Breakpoint processing;
- Dual-port memory operations;
- Memory shadowing and on-the-fly access to the ICE resources;
- Trace recording;
- Clock setting;
- Time measurement.
The PICE main board uses the Altera® re-programmable ACEX PLD, which makes it possible to fit the functions of hundreds of glue logic chips into a one-square-inch piece of silicon. This approach improves reliability and dramatically reduces the emulator size without compromising features and performance. A few glue logic chips, memory chips, and a master microcontroller that handles communications to a host PC and reprogramming the ACEX unit, represent other components set on the Main board.
The main board abbreviation includes (from left to right): a) the part identifier "MR", b) the RoHS identifier ( "1" for leaded parts and "2" for lead-free), c) the target MCU family code (-52), d) the suffix that defines the on-ice memory size ('03' for 64K code + 64K data; '05' for 1M + 448K and '06' for 2M + 448K), and e) the suffix showing the the type of the link to a PC - 'U' for USB and 'R' - for RS-232C. For example: MR2-52-03U - provides emulation for 64K code + 64K data memory, does not support memory banking; MR2-52-05U - provides emulation for 1M code + 448K data memory, supports memory banking. Most of the PICE main boards can be used with either pod, however some pods can be used with certain main board with extended memory.
The Main board has three connectors on the top. One, a mini-USB connector, marked "LNK" is intended for connecting a link cable going to a PC USB or serial port. The second one, marked as "TRACER" in intended for connecting a flat trace cable TC-R1 with micro hooks at the ends of the cable wires. The cable allows entering up to 8 external signals and outputting up to four triggers to synchronize an oscilloscope, logic analyzer or other lab equipment. The third coaxial socket is intended for applying power to the ICE unit (3.3V, regulated, center positive).
The Main board has two connectors on the bottom to stack it with one of the pods with an execution (emulating) processor.
POD or Daughter Module
This module emulates a behavior of the target microcontroller under control of the PICE main board.
This module is built around an execution processor that emulates a behavior of the target MCU being under control of the loaded application program. PICE-52 can be equipped with a variety of changeable pods based either on special bonded-out devices (offen mentioned as "bondouts") or on standard microcontrollers working in the "Enhanced Hook" mode. The PICE main board controls a behavior of the emulating MCUs, i.e. it can stop and start real-time running and has an access to such device's resources as internal RAM, registers, etc. on-the-fly or when the program execution is halted.
Besides the execution processor, a few logic chips and passive components, each pod has a pair of connectors on the top to stack it to the Main board and another pair of connectors on the bottom to connect a mechanical package adapter.
The pod abbreviation includes (from left to right) the part identifier "PR", the RoHS identifier ( "1" for leaded parts and "2" for lead-free), the target MCU family code (-52) following a dash sign, the target group (ARX, ACC01, PLP, W77, etc.) sometimes following a slash sigh and a code of the execution MCU set on the POD (RD2, 769, etc.). For example, PR1-52-ARX/ID2 means the pod supporting a variety of the Atmel and Philips microcontrollers with 12- and 6-clock modes by means of the Atmel AT89C51ID2 microcontroller with the "Enhanced Hook" mechanism inside.
In order to find all PRx-52- pods available for the emulator scroll the window up and click on the "MCU Supported" button. Select the target MCU type and locate the pod you need. Or click the "Parts Selector & Prices" button to search our data base and get a quote on-line.
This part provides mechanical connection of the emulator pod to the target board.
Depending on the type of the target microcontroller's mechanical package a PICE adapter is implemented either as a single transition board (for adaptation to the DIP and PLCC sockets) or as a set of a transition board and a special footer soldering onto the target board instead of the MCU chip (QFP, SOUC, SSOP, TSSOP and other fine pitch packages).
The Adapter abbreviation includes (from left to right) the part identifier "AR", the RoHS identifier ( "1" for leaded parts and "2" for lead-free), the target MCU family code (-52), the chip package type (for example "D" means DIP, "L" means PLCC, Q neans QFP, etc.), and the number of the chip pins (20, 40, 44, 68, etc.). For example, the AR2-52-L44 adapter supports all 8051 microcontrollers in 44-pin PLCC packages and can be used with any PICE-52 pod; the AR1-52-PLP1-S20 adapter can be used only with a PR1-52-PLP1/93x pod for NXP microcontrollers in a SOIC 20-pin package.
In order to find all the adapters available for the emulator scroll the window up and click on the "MCU Supported" button. Select the target MCU type to see all the adapters available for the target MCU. Or click the "Parts Selector & Prices" button to search our data base and get a quote on-line.
- Real-time non-intrusive emulation for most of popular 8051 derivatives with internal and external memory;
- 2 to 5.5V voltage range for the target MCU;
- Transparent "on-the-fly" access to all main emulator resources;
- Single step and Step over for both C and assembly instructions; Run, Run to address, and Auto step execution modes;
- Completely programmable via the software - no switches and jumpers on the PICE boards;
- Software programmable switching from one clock mode to other (for example from 12- to 6-clock mode and back).
- No boxes, no plug-in PC boards, no heavy ribbon cables - plugs directly to the target socket;
- Palm size 95x70x50 mm (about 3 1/2"x2-3/4"x2") header enclosed into a plastic case;
- Precisely centered emulator unit secures durable contact with the target, even for low-pin-count packages.
- Software switch from internal to external clock;
- Precisely programmable 5 KHz to 60 MHz clock generator with 1 Hz resolution and 0.5% accuracy.
- Three grades for code (program) on-ice memory: 64K, 1M or 2M with 256 bytes mapping resolution;
- Two grades for data on-ice memory: 64K or 448K with 256 bytes mapping resolution;
- Dual-ported emulator memory enables real-time memory access without disturbing program execution;
- Shadow RAM feature allows to display memory contents during real-time emulation;
- Memory banking feature allows to support up to 32 banks of external memory by 64K each;
- Memory coverage feature shows memory locations which have been accessed / not accessed by the executrd program.
Trace Buffer
- Real-time trace buffer with "view-on-the-fly" feature - 16K frames deep and 128 bits wide;
- Time stamped tracing for addresses, data, control lines' statuses, and 8 external inputs;
- Trace cable with 8 micro hooks for entering signals to be traced and two hooks for outputting triggers
- 48-bit real-time timer for precise time stamping;
- Several modes of trace recording: synchronous, forward, reverse and dynamic;
- Programmable trace filters and advanced search capability.
- Up to 1M true hardware breakpoints at the program memory and memory access breakpoints;
- Up to 1M true hardware breakpoints at the at Xdata memory access for Read, Write and both Read & Write;
- Breakpoints on access to on-chip data memories: SFRs, direct data memory, on-chip Xdata, and EEPROM;
- Four complex (conditional) breakpoints and triggers;
- Complex breakpoints are individually set as a combination of the address, data, status of external input, and access type;
- Breakpoint processor operates with 4 triggers for stopping emulation or trace recording without disturbing real-time running;
- Simple and intuitive breakpoint processor programming via graphical logic diagram.
Logic Inputs and Outputs, Computer Interface and Power Management
- 8 logic inputs (micro miniature hooks);
- 4 trigger outputs for synchronization of external lab equipment and switching memory banks (micro miniature hooks);
- By default connects to a PC via USB link cable (USB 1.1 speed, logically compatible with USB 2.0);
- Optionally can be connected to a PC via opto isolated RS-232C cable (up to 115KBaud communication speed);
- Precisely controlled voltage regulator supplies the emulation MCU on the ICE pod in the 2.00 to 5.5V range;
- Two voltage management modes: a) follow the target level or b) set and keep a certain value;
- 3.3V/2A power wall adapter is included. The emulator can also use the target system's power.
Software Support
- The PICE software (CodeMaster-52) operates under control of Windows® XP/7/8 (both 32- and 64-bit versions);
- PICE IDE enables project management, compiling and debugging in one easy-to-use environment;
- Built-in Phyton editor and MCA-51 macro assembler;
- Built-in intelligent disassembler and on-line assembler for quick code patches;
- Keil, IAR and Raisonance compilers can be integrated to the PICE IDE for project management and source-level debugging;
- PICE can be driven from Keil uVision, IAR Embedded Workbench and Raisonance RIDE software shells;
- Source-level debugging for Keil, IAR, Raisonance,. Altium, Hi-Tech, GNU and other popular compilers;
- Built-in C-like script language for routine automation and testing;