CPI2-B1-ACM in-system device programmer
This preloaded device programmer bundles a standard CPI2-B1 single-channel device programmer with a variety of CP2-D-xxCM device library licenses that enable programming of all ARM Cortex-M devices currently supported by Phyton. See a list of the preinstalled device library licenses in the matrix below. Plus, as any other preloaded device programmers, this bundle includes the free Basic Device Library license.
The CPI2-B1-ACM device programmer will automatically enable programming of all new ARM Cortex-M devices that Phyton will support in the future – no new purchase is required.
To expand the CPI2-B1-ACM device list, additional CPI2-D-xxxx device library licenses, not included in the CPI2-B1-ACM bundle, can be purchased and installed by the programmer’s user.