The image above displays an assembled PICE-196 emulator. This is a palm-size header comprised of three stackable boards: a Main Board, POD, and Adapter (from top to bottom). The Trace Cable allows to trace external signals and output triggers.
Features Summary
- Real-time non-intrusive emulation for most of the 80C196 MCUs up to 25 MHz
- Tiny emulator header that plugs directly into a target socket - 80x75x50 mm (3x3x2 in.)
- Up to 256K bytes program memory & 256K data memory (64K & 64K by default)
- Memory mapping between the ICE and target with the finest possible resolution - one word
- Up to 512K true hardware breakpoints
- 4 complex breakpoints / triggers
- Up to 64K frame deep by 64 bit wide trace buffer (16K x 64K by default)
- 48-bit on-board timer
- Shadow RAM provides target device RAM real-time access without disturbing emulation
- "On-the-fly" access to the memory, breakpoints, tracer, and timer
- 8 probe inputs and 1 trigger output
- Embedded programmable READY and BUSWIDTH signal generators
- Connects to a PC serial port via a light cable opto-isolated for extra protection
- Integrated development environment Project-96 that includes an editor, a project manager, the MCA-96 macro assembler
- Source level and project level support for the Phyton MCC-96 compiler and MCA-96 macro assembler
- Source level debugging for all popular C compilers and assemblers: IAR, TASKING, Intel
- The PDS-96 software simulator supporting KB, KC and KD derivatives supplied optionally
- Donwnload full versions of the PICE-196, Project-96 IDE and MCA-96 macro assembler.